
Do You See Failure or Success?
by: Heather Dominick

I remember attending a meditation workshop with Mark Epstein, a well-known 'Buddhist psychologist.' He told a story about a meeting he had with Ram Dass, spiritual teacher and author, where Ram Dass had asked Mark Epstein about his work with his patients. As Mark talked about his work, Ram Dass interrupted him and asked, "Do you see them as already healed?"

I was so struck by this story. As a coach and healer of businesses, I saw the clarity in this question. So often as solo-service professionals it is easy to focus on our success by looking at ourselves (what we are doing, creating, visualizing, etc.), but the results are incredible when we turn the focus on those that we serve.

What do you see when you look at your clients or customers? Do you see failure or success?

When I worked as a high school teacher--in moments when my students were working on their own--I would say to myself, "The light in me sees the light in you." I really felt that. I could see my students succeeding long before they could see it or could even venture to believe it. However, I knew as their teacher it was my duty to hold that vision and energy for them and then guide them through the action steps of getting there. It always worked. I have countless high school teaching success stories.

I see that same (if not more--I've learned a lot in the past few years) success for the private and Boot Camp clients I work with now. I literally see them as a successful magazine owner, professional organizer, coach, meditation expert, Feng Shui practitioner...and the list goes on. It continues to work.

I ask you to begin to apply this to your own business. Here are 3 steps to begin SEEING success in those that you serve.

1)Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.

In Dr. Wayne Dyer's book, The Power of Intention, he sites that, "It turns out that at the tiniest subatomic level, the actual act of observing a particle changes the particle." This is a clear example of energy affecting energy. If I look at you and see your success, then you begin to create more of and be success! How great is that?

So when speaking to a prospect, customer, or client, instead of questioning your abilities (wondering if you'll get the sale or joining them in their woes), the most powerful action you can take is to change the way you are looking at the situation. See them as happy, joyful, peaceful, well, successful...and more. You will be effecting a change that will result in more success and abundance for the both of you. (It feels so much better than worry and doubt!)

2)Be constantly giving.

The energy of success is constantly giving and the supply is limitless. When you can come from this place in your own business, you begin to attract more into your life.

I know when I first heard this, it was hard for me to grasp. Mostly, because I used to come from a place of giving, but have one eye immediately on making sure that I was compensated and at the same time convinced that I wouldn't be. Guess what? I wasn't and I felt a whole lot of resentment at the same time.

When I shifted my attention to giving for the sake of the success of those that I was serving and simultaneously confidently took care of what I needed for myself and my business (instead of waiting for someone else to do just do it), there was more success ALL around.

3)Detach from the outcome.

When you are able to SEE success, you don't need to be attached to the outcome because you KNOW that it's going to be successful. Whenever you are caught up in accumulating (I have to get this client; I have to sell to this customer), then you lose sight of what your main goal is--to see the success of those that you serve.

Find out exactly what's going on for the person that you're speaking to. Ask them and ask yourself, what do they need? The answer to this question is usually multi-layered. (For example, prospects that come to me may need more income from their businesses, but they also need to move through the blocks they've unconsciously set up for themselves that's keeping them from getting more money). So, you then SEE them as getting their needs fully met and begin the process of working with that person, so you can help make it happen.

Call To Action:

1) Ask yourself, how do I see my prospects, clients, or customers? Be honest. Just let the answer come. No judgment. It will give you a lot of information.

2) With whatever answer you get now, ask yourself, "How can I improve?" How can I see this situation differently?

3) For one day focus only on those you serve and their success. Write down the difference in how you feel, the results that your clients get, and anything else that pops up.

Tips for Prescribing a Future for Your Business
by: Adele Sommers

Are you wondering what the future holds for your business? Whether you want to predict your future or prescribe an outcome of your choosing, you'll have plenty of company!

Throughout history, we humans have tried many ways to predict the future, from reading palms to stargazing. Today, we refer to these as descriptive methods when we attempt to describe objectively what the future will be or could be.

On the other hand, prescriptive methods focus on determining what the future should be. These techniques can help us clarify our preferences and values so we can create a vision of what we would like to see in our lives, businesses, or communities.

Once we understand what we would like the future to represent, we're better able to take the actions required to implement it. Ideally, that future will align with our passions, gifts, and what we (or our companies) can really be the best at doing. This article suggests a two-stage process for achieving that goal.

First, Identify Your "Hedgehog Concept"

So, what can you be the best in the world (or at least in your community) at doing? This thought-provoking reflection is one of many from Jim Collins' "Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...and Others Don't."

Collins' team examined 1,435 companies to see which ones made substantial gains in profitability and sustained those improvements over 15 years or more. Since the 1970s, only 11 companies had risen from mediocrity to greatness and stayed there -- topping many other prosperous firms that lacked the same staying power.

Of eight characteristics these companies shared, all held an unshakable adherence to becoming the best in the world at whatever they did. Each company committed to doing only those things and nothing else. That sometimes meant dropping their core businesses to pursue other things at which they could become the best in the world.

Collins and his team coined the term "hedgehog concept" to reflect a single-minded determination and focus that, similar to that of the hedgehog animal, attempts to do only one thing really well, such as curl up and roll. A hedgehog concept actually represents the intersection of three areas:

1) What you're most passionate about
2) An understanding of what you could be the best at doing, and
3) A metric that drives your economic engine and helps you measure results.

Keep in mind that according to Collins, this concept is not a goal, strategy, or plan, but an understanding of what you can and can't be the best at doing. Until you develop your hedgehog concept, you won't know your true vision, mission, or purpose.

Next, Define Your "Business Success Criteria"

Do you have a crystal clear idea of the types of business undertakings that align with your gifts, talents, passions, and strengths? In that same context, have you thought about whether your business can be the very best in the world at doing those things?

If the answers are "yes," you are in an excellent position to choose the ventures that can give you the greatest satisfaction and results.

If you're not yet totally clear about the answers to these questions, developing a set of "business success criteria" can enable you to select worthwhile endeavors with much deeper insight, and thus set the conditions for successfully pursuing them. A hedgehog concept thereby represents part of the formula you can devise to identify and choose among your very best options.

Why is this so important? It's not uncommon for people to wander into businesses, projects, and professions opportunistically, which means that they often select the next available and convenient thing that comes along. At times, this may be necessary for financial reasons. But unless we understand our underlying success criteria, we might not recognize the options that truly fuel and inspire us -- those that are best suited to our passions and strengths.

Some of your criteria could be practical considerations, and others more lofty ideals. But all of your criteria will be essential to achieving balance, fulfillment, prosperity, and higher contribution in your life.

In conclusion, a set of carefully crafted success criteria fueled by a potent hedgehog concept provides an unbeatable strategic advantage, and an excellent direction-finder for prescribing your future!

Tips For A Less Burdensome Deal
by: Simon Tauffel

People need money for variety of purposes. They can find personal loans as per their requirements and circumstances. However, if availed without first taking all of its aspects into account, the same loan may become a source of financial trouble in the coming days.

Through these loans, you can meet expenditures on home improvements, wedding, car purchasing, holiday tour etc. The loan comes for a particular purpose, or you are free to put it for variety of uses.

Personal loans are accessible in secured or unsecured options. For the requirement of greater loan of up to £75000, you need to pledge your valued asset like home or a vehicle, as collateral. The advantage of such a secured loan is lower rate of interest. Greater amount of loan comes with larger repayment duration of 5 to 30 years. However, avoid carrying the loan for many more years, as you will end-up making high interest payments.

On the other hand, the unsecured loans provides only smaller amount of up to £25000, for a short period of few months to 15 years, depending on the loan amount and your circumstances. These loans depend on the lenders’ faith in you. Hence, people find the loan approval with ease, if they have a good credit history. Both tenants and homeowners are eligible to take out these loans without collateral. However, interest rate will be on higher side.

People can take these loans with bad credit history as well. They need to prove their intention of repaying the loan on time. However, interest rate will go higher.

It is advisable to apply for rate quotes of personal loans. While comparing the loan offers, you should also be aware of the additional fees on these loans. For a less costly loan, ensure that the rate is lower and the fee charges are fewer.

Get All Your Financial Needs Sorted Easily
by: Simon Tauffel

It would be great burden for people if they experience a need for money which cannot be ignored. So only the way of borrowing money is available to the people. They can get the money for their needs easily through personal loans depending on how much money they need and how they need it.

The money is available to the borrowers for their needs which may be anything like wedding expenses, educational needs, car purchase, debt consolidation, home improvement, travel expenses, medical expenses, etc. it is up to the borrower as to how he uses the money.

To get the money through these loans, the borrowers first have to decide upon how much amount they need. If the amount required is small, then they may take up the unsecured form of the loans which will not require them to pledge any collateral. The money available through these loans lies in the range of £1000-£25000 for a term of 6months to 10 years for its repayment. Since the borrower does not pledge any collateral, he has to pay a slightly higher rate of interest for the money borrowed to cut down the risk of non-repayment.

If the need of borrowers is bigger, the money can be borrowed through the secured form of these loans. The money is available to them in the range of £5000-£75000 for a term of 5-25 years. For this, the borrowers are required to pledge rate of interest for these loans is lower due to attachment of the loans with collateral. Rate of interest for these loans is lower due to attachment of collateral with the loan deals.

The borrowers can research through the online mode to get lower rates as there are numerous lenders online who are ready to provide lower rates due to competition. Bad credit borrowers can also take up these loans for their needs.

Through personal loans, the borrower may get money for needs that can not be ignored. The choice of the loans is totally dependent on the borrower according to his needs.

Economic Recession Strategy - How To Keep Your Business Alive During Economic Recession

by: Michael Seriosa

You may be in Mail Order, Direct Mail, E-Mail/E-Zine Marketing, or you may be a local merchant with 150 employees; whatever the case-you've got to know how to keep your business alive during economic recessions.

Long before the cash flow in a business, large or small, starts to tighten up, the money management of that business has to be run as a "tight ship." Some of the things you can and should do include protecting yourself from expenditures made on sudden impulse.

We've all bought merchandise or services we really didn't need simply because we were in the mood, or perhaps in response to the flam-boyancy of the advertising or the persuasiveness of the salesperson.

Then we sort of "wake up" a couple of days later and find that we've committed hundreds of dollars of business funds for something that's not essential to the success of our own business, when really pressing items had been eagerly waiting for those dollars.

If you are incorporated, you can eliminate these "impulse purchases" by including in your by-laws a clause that states: "All purchasing decisions over (a certain amount) are contingent upon approval by the board of directors."

This will force you to consider any "impulse purchases" of serious cost, and may even be a reminder in the case of smaller purchases.

If your business is a partnership, you can state, when faced with a buying decision, that all purchases are contingent upon the approval of a third party. In reality, the third party can be your partner, one of your department heads, or even one of your suppliers.

If your business is a sole proprietorship, you don't have much to worry about really, because as an individual you have three days to think about your purchase, and then to nullify that purchase if you think you don't really need it or can't afford it.

While you may think you cannot afford it, be sure that you don't "short-change" yourself on professional services. This would apply especially during a time of emergency.

Anytime you commit yourself and move ahead without completely investigating all the angles, and preparing yourself for all the contingencies that may arise, you're skating on thin ice.

Regardless of the costs involved, it always pays off in the long run to seek out the advice of experienced professionals before embarking on a plan that could ruin you.

1244 Stock Category Advantages-

As an example, an experienced business consultant can fill you in on the 1244 stock advantages. Getting eligibility for the 1244 stock category is a very simple process, but one with tremendous benefits to your business.

The 1244 stock encourages investors to put equity capital into your business because in the event of a loss, amounts up to the entire sum of the investment can be written off in the current year.

Without the "1244" classification, any losses would have to be spread over several years, and this, of course, would greatly lessen the attractiveness of your company's stock. Any business owner who has not filed the 1244 corporation has in effect cut himself off from 90 percent of his prospective investors.

Getting “Hard-Nosed”-

Particularly when sales are down, you must be "hard-nosed" with people trying to sell you luxuries for your business. When business is booming, you undoubtedly will allow sales people to show you new models of equipment or a new line of supplies; but when your business is down, skip the entertaining frills and concentrate on the basics.

Great care must be taken however, to maintain courtesy and allow these sellers to consider you a friend and call back at another time.

Your company's books should reflect your way of thinking, and whoever maintains them should generate information according to your policies.

Thus, you should hire an outside accountant or accounting firm to figure your return on your investment, as well as the turnover on your accounts receivable and inventory. Such an audit or survey should focus in depth on any or every item within the financial statement that merits special attention.

In this way, you'll probably uncover any potential financial problems before they become readily apparent, and certainly before they could get out of hand.

Further Considerations-

Many small companies set up advisory boards of outside professional people. These are sometimes known as Power Circles, and once in place, the business always benefits, especially in times of short operating capital.

Such an advisory board or power circle should include an attorney, a certified public accountant, civic club leaders, owners or managers of businesses similar to yours, and retired executives.

Setting up such an advisory board of directors is really quite easy, because most people you ask will be honored to serve. Once your board is set up, you should meet once a month and present material for review.

Each meeting should be a discussion of your business problems and an input from your advisers relative to possible solutions.

These members of your board of advisers should offer you advice as well as alternatives, and provide you with objectivity. No formal decisions need to be made either at your board meeting, or as a result of them, but you should be able to gain a great deal from the suggestions you hear.

You will find that most of your customers have the money to pay at least some of what they owe you immediately.

To keep them current, and the number of accounts receivable in your files to a minimum, you should call them on the phone and ask for some kind of explanation why they're falling behind.

If you develop such a habit as part of your operating procedure, you'll find your invoices will magically be drawn to the front of their piles of bills to pay.

While maintaining a congenial and courteous attitude, don't hesitant, or too much of a "nice guy" when it comes to collecting money.

Building the Strength of Your Stay Power-

Something else that's a very good business practice, but which few business owners do is to methodically build a credit rating with their local banks.

Particularly when you have a good cash flow, you should borrow $100 to $1,000 from your banks every 90 days or so. Simply borrow the money, and place it in an interest bearing account, and then pay it all back at least a month or so before it's due.

By doing this, you will increase the borrowing power of your signature, and strengthen your ability to obtain needed financing on short notice.

This is a kind of business leverage that will be of great value to you if or whenever your cash position becomes less favorable.

By all means, join your industry's trade associations. Most of these organizations have a wealth of information available on everything from details on your competitors to average industry sales figures, new products, services, and trends.

If you are given a membership certificate or wall plaque, you should display these conspicuously on your office wall. Customers like to see such "seals of approval" and feel additional confidence in your business when they see them.

Often Overlooked-

If at all possible, you should have your spouse work in the business with you for at least three or four weeks per year.

The important thing is that if for any reason you are not available to run the business, your spouse will be familiar with certain people and situations about your business.

These people should include your attorney, accountant, any advisors or consultants, creditors and your major suppliers. The long-term advantages of having your spouse work four weeks per year in your business with you will greatly outweigh the short-term inconvenience.

Many couples share responsibility and time entirely, which is in most cases even more desirable. Whenever you can, and as often as you need it, take advantage of whatever free business counseling is available.

The Small Business Administration published many excellent booklets, checklist and brochures on quite a large variety of businesses.

These publications are available through the U.S. Government Printing Office. Most local universities, and many private organizations hold seminars at minimal cost, and often without charge. You should also take advantage of the services offered by your bank and local library.

The important thing about running a small business is to know the direction in which you're heading...to know on a day-to-day basis your progress in that very direction [your dynamic Business/Marketing Plan]

Be aware of what your competitors are doing and practice good money management at all times. All this will prepare you to recognize potential problems before they arise. In order to survive with a small business, regardless of the economic climate, it is essential to surround yourself with smart people, and practice sound business management at all times.

The Misconception About Business In The Summer-

Whoever started the nasty rumor that Mail Order business is very slow during the months of July and August is dead wrong. In case you are new to the world of Mail Order you are likely to believe this rumor.

The sad part is that a lot of people in the business really believe it! Why do they believe it? Because they have been told by someone else and the rumor was considered "gospel" - so that someone told someone else and so on- sound familiar?!?

What people don't realize is that there is no foundation to this rumor. The only reason the mail order business MAY slow down in the summer months is because of the nature of the product being sold. Try selling winter clothes in July!

Some people will go so far as to stop advertising during the summer months because they are convinced they won't get any sales. Because of the drop in revenue for publishers, due to this line of thinking-

Everybody suffers and they keep the rumor alive and true. Only people believing this lie are making it happen.

Is It Possible To Create An Impossible Business?

by: Jonathan Haryanto

Consultants, coaches, and other service professionals often start a business believing that all they need to do is charge a "reasonable" fee and sell "enough" of their time. Consultants hope to get an edge by claiming to be the fastest, best, or most experienced.

Tired superlatives in proposal include: Most, Superior, Best, Maximum, Optimal, Minimum, Fastest, Unsurpassed, Shortest, Unrivaled, Easiest, Highest, Least, Unique, clients routinely ignore such claims as unproven hype.

Nothing is intrinsically wrong with any of the preceding words, and we all use them in spoken and written communication (for example, "This is the fastest way to do that.") But in proposals, they are suspect, and you should use them sparingly, if at all. It's easy to think that any business can be successful if you work hard enough, but there are many situations where this just isn't so. But unless you do the math to prove or disprove your assumptions, you may be creating a business that can never succeed. Here's what can happen:

*Impossible Business #1 *Nancy was selling her services as an image consultant to individuals who wanted an updated or more professional look. She charged $75 per hour, which she thought was the most anyone would realistically pay to work with her. In most cases, she traveled to a client's home or went shopping with her client.

Including travel time and lunch meant that Nancy could only make two appointments in one day. The average appointment was two hours long. So the maximum amount Nancy could earn in one day turned out to be $300. But in order to earn that amount five days per week, Nancy would have to schedule ten different clients, all of whose schedules were able to adapt to whatever times she had available.

This was hopelessly unrealistic. Even if Nancy had been able to make the scheduling work, when would she have had the time to do the marketing required to land that many clients? It turned out that the maximum Nancy could really earn using this model was about $750 per week. After paying her taxes, she couldn't even cover her monthly living expenses

*Impossible Business #2 *Tom is a student who works as a software consultant for midsize company._ _ . He typically charged $80 per hour, and when he landed a contract, it often consisted of 25-100 billable hours.

Because Tom's earning capacity was so high and he disliked marketing, he spent a lot of money on marketing himself indirectly. He purchased display ads in industry journals and directories, mailed expensive brochures to large lists of prospects, paid to exhibit at trade shows, and hired a telemarketer to prospect for him. Tom also worked on contracts that came through agencies, who often took 25-35% of his earnings as their percentage.

Tom is earning as much as $90,000 per year, but he was losing about $15,000 per year in agency commissions, and spending $25,000 per year on marketing. In return for all his hard work, he was earning considerably less than he had at his last job.

*Making the Impossible Possible *New consultants, coaches, and other professionals almost always overestimate how much they can earn and underestimate the amount of time and money required to successfully market themselves. They also forget that they will have to cover not only their living costs and business expenses, but pay self-employment tax, buy their own health insurance, provide for their own retirement, and allow for unpaid vacation and sick time.

If Nancy or Tom had taken the time to sit down with a calculator before starting out in business, they would have quickly discovered that they were on the wrong track. But both of these businesses were able to be rescued.

Molly began selling her time by the day instead of by the hour. She offered her clients a full-day package that consisted of a wardrobe review and consultation in the morning and a shopping trip in the afternoon. By charging $400 per day and scheduling three clients per week, she could earn more than double than she did previously.

She also began offering a monthly one-day image workshop as a way of bringing in more income while giving prospective clients a chance to experience her work. The workshop became her main source of new clients, and marketing the workshop turned out to be easier than marketing her personal services.

Tom learned how to market himself less expensively through networking, speaking, and writing articles. Instead of buying booths at trade shows, he was showcased there as a presenter, and spent time networking with the other attendees. The same publications where he used to run ads now ran his articles. Rather than paying a telemarketer, he started picking up the lunch tab for people he thought could refer him some business.

As a result, his expenses for marketing and commissions dropped from $35,000 per year to $15,000. At the same time, his income rose to $125,000 per year, because as his visibility and reputation grew, his services were more in demand and he could command higher rates.

If earning a decent living as a self-employed professional sometimes seems impossible to you, start asking how it could be possible. What can you change about how you are marketing yourself, how much you are charging, and how you are packaging your services? While it could be that success will come if you just work a little harder, it's more likely that you first need to start working a little differently

101 Guide to Better Invest your MONEY!!

by: Jimmy Lee

Your Essential Starter Guide to INVESTING MONEY!!

If you have been working for some time, you probably have accumulated some form of savings, and the first mistake we don't want to make is to let the money stay idle.

Imagine your current savings like a little plant, you need to constantly give it nutrients and provide the right conditions for growth to take place. Hence, if you are someone who always place your savings under a normal saving account in a bank, it is time to relook at other alternative forms to grow your money - better and faster.

One approach is through Investment. Sounds like a taunting term, and one which many people do not understand and hence never got the chance to take the first bold move.

Today, I will be sharing with you an Introduction Guide to Investment, and hope to build up your knowledge and confidence in this field to take the right decisions.

What is Investing?

1) Investing involves the purchasing and selling through financial tools including stocks, bonds, options, certificates, and more.

2) Investing can be done through financial advisors or personally, although financial advisors will charge you additional fees for their services, but they could be valuable sources of information and help.

3) Investing can be easily performed at home with a computer with an internet connection.

How to start Investing?

To start investing, you must have surplus cash. Rule of thumb: You should have at least 3 months of liquid cash - i.e: ready cash to tide you over in terms of emergencies.

Given the tons of different stocks and mutual funds in the market to choose from, it is essential to follow a few methologies to ensure better selection and return on investments (ROI) in the long run.

3 Simple Investment Methologies

1) What to buy?
2) When to buy?
3) When to sell?

What stocks or funds to buy?

The entire market consists of over 10,000 stocks, so how can we narrow down our selection to the elite stocks, and make the right buying decisions? Luckily, we have indicators such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500, and the Wilshire 500 among others on the New York Stock Exchange.

The Dow JOnes reflects the average stock prices of top 30 largest companies.
The S&P 500 reflects the average stock prices of top 500 companies, representing companies that are worth 75% of the entire stock market value.
The Wilshire 5000 reflects the average stock prices of top 7000 companies.

One proven worthy strategy is through index funds, i.e invest in the indicators itself. There exists a special mutual fund which is made up of all 500 stocks in the S&P 500. This means that only are you investing in the top companies, you are also diversifying and lowering your risks, and maximizing your potential gains in the future, given the proven track records of these companies in order to be listed in the S&P 500.

What about those professional managed funds? Are those worthy of consideration? See below for clear advantages of index funds over those professional managed mutual funds.

Index funds

Lower costs, 0.2 percent
Low transaction fees
Lower tax
Low portfolio turnover

Professionally Managed Funds

Higher Cost, >2%
Higher transaction fees
Higher Tax
Higher portfolio turnover due to higher risk

Hence, for a starter to investing, the safer and obvious approach is to invest in index funds given the lower costs, higher stability, and proven good past performance records.

Are you going to trust the financial advisor and give him your hard-earned money, for them to give you false promises of high returns, and charging you exorbitant fees to support their own commission pockets. NO !!!

Hence, ANSWER on what to buy is clearly combined "INDEX FUNDS".

When to buy those stocks or funds?

We all know the benefits of compunded interest, so the faster you start buying, the more money you get to compound.

ANSWER is "Right Now" !!

You dont need to have a big lump sum of money to start, you can also invest in a periodic manner, for example invest on a monthly basis. While doing that, you are also practising dollar cost averaging technique, which is a very powerful technique. Since prices often fluctuate, there are months where the prices are slightly lower and as a result you could buy more with the same monthly investment amount you have committed to. As a result, your total portfolio value will increase substantially due to more shares bought during lower prices.

The trick is not to freak out and do massively selling, when the stocks are going downtrends for that month. By buying the combined index fund, you are already lowering your risks, coupled with the power of dollar cost averaging, you can now ignore the fluctuation of the market totally.

When to sell those stocks or funds?

After knowing what to buy, and when to buy, you also want to know when is a suitable time to sell those stocks or funds.
rt working a little differently

Set Yourself Free From Debts With A Debt Consolidation Loan

by: Gracie Bishop

When there are so many opportunities to get money through loans available easily, then it is pretty much expected to see that debts are created for borrowers with an equal ease. The reasons for this may be numerous but the point lies in getting rid of them. So to remove these debts, it is easier that the borrower takes a debt consolidation loan for the purpose.

Through this loan, the borrowers can take up money for their purpose of removal of debts. This can be done by the repayment of the debts that are pending on them. The borrowers can use this opportunity for removal of their debts if they amount up to more than £5000 with two or more lenders.

This loan can be taken up by the borrowers in the secured as well as the unsecured form. It totally depends upon the amount that is owed by the borrower to the lenders. If the debts of the borrower amount up to £25000, he can take up the unsecured form of the loan. For this, the borrower does not have to pledge any asset with the lender. The money is obtained collateral-free and has to be repaid through monthly installments in a term of 6 months to 10 years.

If however, the borrower has debts more than an amount of £75000, then he has to pledge an asset like his car or house with the lenders to get the secured form of the loans. This form of money is required to be repaid to the lenders in a term of 5-25 years. The rate of interest for this form is however lower than the unsecured form due to attachment of collateral with the loan deal which assures the retrieval of the loan amount. Lower rates can be obtained with the help of online research and comparison.

With a debt consolidation loan, the borrowers can easily get the money that they need to repay all their prior dues. Financial issues can be easily stabilized through this way.

Save Money The Next Time You Borrow
by: George Kane

While taking up money for fulfilling needs that are important, we usually tend to ignore the facts that are so evident to us like the high rate of interest that is charged. This is because we are ready to compromise with the situation. But now with the provision of cheap APR loans, money is available at lower rates of interest easily.

The borrowers who are in need of money and keen on taking up loans to fulfill their wishes and needs should research well for all the loan opportunities that are available. This is important so that the best deal can be availed which is charged a lower annual percentage rate which will help the borrowers in saving a lot of money on the interest for the loans. This research can be well made online.

These loans with a lower interest rate can be easily availed through the secured or the unsecured form according to the needs of the borrowers. The unsecured form of these loans will cater to the smaller needs of the borrowers or to those who do not have any assets to pledge. The amount that can be borrowed lies in the range of £1000-£25000 and is borrowed for a term of 6months to 10 years.

For the borrowers who need somewhat bigger amounts for their requirements, they can take up the secured form which will require them to pledge an asset with the lender. The money that can be borrowed lies in the range of £5000-£75000. The borrowed amount comes with a repayment term of 5-25 years and a lower rate of interest due to the guarantee of retrieval of the loan amount.

For the bad credit borrowers as well, these options are open to be taken up. The borrowers can take up a research to get lower rate deals. Competition amongst lenders helps in getting lower rate deals.

Through cheap APR loans, the borrowers can find lower rate deals for their needs easily. The money is charged lower so as to help in reducing the burden of the interest amounts.

Best Of Finances At The Best Of Terms

by: George Kane

Every individual has the right to fulfill their dreams and various wishes. These wishes and dreams depend a lot on the availability of finances. If you are a service personnel looking for finances to fulfill some of the needs and desires, you can opt for personnel loan. This loan is specially crafted to meet your very demands at the best possible terms and conditions.

The amount obtained under this loan can be used to meet expenses on home renovation, purchasing your dream bike or car, meeting wedding expenses, paying college admission fees, going for a vacation or paying off all the existing debts to improve the credit score. This loan offers the necessary finances to take care of all your needs and wishes.

To make it more convenient and easy, lenders offer this loan in secured and unsecured form. The secured from of the loan can be availed if the borrower is ready to attach any valuable property such as residence, real estate etc as collateral. Lenders approve the amount on the basis of equity value of collateral. It means if you are placing collateral of high equity, you will be able to obtain a bigger amount. This loan option has larger repayment duration. The interest rates too are low as the amount is secured against an asset.

On the other hand, unsecured option of personnel loan does not have the clause of attaching any collateral. Instead of collateral, the amount is advanced on the basis of your income proof, employment status, bank statements etc. The amount is very limited and has short repayment duration. Without any collateral, the interest rates offered are slightly higher.

Bad credit individuals can also apply for this loan. However the interest rate offered will be slightly higher.

This loan can is easily accessible and can be sourced from lenders like banks and financial institutions. However to avail this loan at the cheapest possible rates instantly, it is preferable to use the online mode.

Personnel loan offers the best of finances to borrowers with the best of terms. This loan helps you to fulfill the various dreams and wishes without any financial constraint.

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